Increase donor revenue while transforming donor support in 30 days

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Licensed Image - Startfy Webflow Template
Licensed Image - Startfy Webflow Template
Licensed Image - Startfy Webflow Template
Licensed Image - Startfy Webflow Template
Licensed Image - Startfy Webflow Template
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Access our free process to increase donor support
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Stop letting your mission be underfunded

Start increasing your donations in days... not months.

We help non-profits and ministries increase recurring financial partners through building strong relationships. Learn how we have helped organizations across the globe expand their reach and grow their revenue by over 30%. Watch this training and start increasing your donor revenue today.

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Get Your Mission Heard by Those Ready to Take Action
Build Strong Connections with Donors to Engage Their Support
Increase Financial Support and Recurring Giving Partners

we believe every
mission needs a partner

Hi, its Chris,  In a world filled with ‘experts’ and false guarantees, it is important that you understand that there is no quick, overnight method that will bring millions into your organization and really nothing in this world is guaranteed. Yes, I said it.  

If you want to see your organization transform and change as many lives as you can envision – it starts with a decision today to take the simple steps necessary to make it happen.  

Expand Awareness. Strengthen Relationships. Increase Revenue 

On a high level, it really is that simple. But most of us who run organizations don’t have the time or capacity to focus on one the most important aspects of your operation – the PEOPLE who donate their hard-earned money to support the work we are doing.  

We get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks and accomplishing the global vision that we miss a key component of how we can build a sustainable, recurring model of financial support.  The truth is, people are ready and hungry to help you. They want to see good things happen in the world, especially when they are overwhelmed with their own daily lives to do it themselves.

The key is, YOU must be consistent in how you communicate with them. YOU have to engage them each andevery month with the progression you are making, and YOU have to empower them to become partners – not just a one-time donor.  

But that’s generally where the bottleneck happens. You can’t do it all. You already have so much on your plate and so often connecting with your donors become an “If I can make time” instead of “It’s what needs to be done” 

This is why we are here. We are your strategic partner to help build and implement a customized system of how to engage and empower your donors. Think about it – we are so bombarded with information; social media is selling any and everything each and every second of the day. How are people ever supposed to decide, especially when it’s an intangible exchange.

We make donating to your organization tangible, we make it a real-life exchange and keep the work YOU are doing at the forefront of their mind, their heart and where they give.   While life may not have guarantees – I have seen this proven 3 step process transform how organizations engage their donors and build recurring partnerships all over the world to ensure that the mission can move forward.  

We want to walk alongside you, develop a system that is unique to your mission and train your team on how to execute it. And if you don’t have a team – we can be that extension of your organizations to curate the engagement and build long term partnerships with those who financially support your organization on your behalf.  

If this is you, I encourage you to sign in and watch this brief video that shares our vision and explains how you can increase financial support through building strong relationships.

Reach out to me, let’s talk and if it resonates with you – let’s expand your mission together.

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We believe relationships grow with trust and real connection

"Thankful! It's been more than we imagined!"

After years of searching, Chris understood what our organization needed to grow in the coming years. He provided a customized plan to refresh our online presence and a strategy to reach new potential partners. He kept us involved throughout the process to make sure it was everything we wanted! We could not be more happy with the result.

Global Non Profit Firm
Vancouver, Britsh Columbia

"Helped us build solid communication with our donors"

Chris jumped in to help us define our mission, create a solid identity and build a plan that worked for our market reach. He understood the difference between marketing a product and getting people to support a cause - and delivered all the way. All of the automations and tools he introduced have allowed us to accomplish more in less time. We are grateful

Sex Abuse Foundation
Los Angeles, CA

"Worth the investment"

We are extremely grateful to the level of professionalism, commitment and communication that was dedicated to our project. In the beginning we were unsure if we could afford it, but now we are seeing such a high return on the investment, I am glad we took a leap of faith and started. Within one week we received so many compliments from our partners of how elevated our brand looked and we are keeping that consistency we needed through this agency.

Broadcast Organization
New York, NY
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